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深 赛 格(000058)  现价: 5.25  涨幅: 2.14%  涨跌: 0.11元
成交:2322万元 今开: 5.14元 最低: 5.12元 振幅: 2.72% 跌停价: 4.63元
市净率:3.24 总市值: 64.64亿 成交量: 44552手 昨收: 5.14元 最高: 5.26元
换手率: 0.45% 涨停价: 5.65元 市盈率: 78.42 流通市值: 51.70亿  


公告时间:2024-04-25 19:30:28

Stock code: 000058, 200058 Stock abbreviation: SHEN SEG A, SHEN SEG B Notice No.: 2024-029
Shenzhen SEG Co.,Ltd.
The FirstQuarterlyReportfor2024
The Company and all members of the Board of Directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and
complete, and there are no false records, misleading statements or material omissions.
Important Notice:
1. The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and the Directors, Supervisors and senior management guarantee that the
quarterly report is true, accurate and complete, without any false records, misleading statements or material omissions, and that
they assume individual and joint legal responsibility.
2. The person in charge of the Company, head of accounting work and head of accounting institution (accounting officer in
charge)declare that they guarantee the truthfulness, accuracyand completeness of the financial information in the quarterly report.
3. Whether the First Quarterly Report has been audited
□Yes No
I. Main Financial Data
(I) Mainaccountingdataandfinancialindicators
Whether the Company needs to perform retrospective adjustment or restatement of accounting data for previous years
□Yes No
Current period Same period of previous year Changes over same period of
previous year
Operating income (yuan) 414,161,145.61 445,269,320.85 -6.99%
Netprofit attributable to
shareholders of the listed 24,867,650.31 32,905,373.52 -24.43%
company (yuan)
Netprofit attributable to
shareholders of the listed
company afterdeducting non- 24,648,777.29 30,118,279.30 -18.16%
recurring profit and loss
Netcash flow from operating -42,261,121.35 -18,380,969.22 -129.92%
activities (yuan)
Basic earnings pershare 0.0202 0.0267 -24.34%
Diluted earnings per share 0.0202 0.0267 -24.34%
Weighted average return on 1.23% 1.69% -0.46%
End of current period End of previous year Changes over end of previous
Total assets (yuan) 5,351,979,268.88 5,380,146,949.27 -0.52%
Owner's equity attributable to
shareholders of the listed 2,029,736,340.63 2,006,490,243.66 1.16%
company (yuan)
(II) Non-recurringitemsandamounts
Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB/yuan
Item Amount of current period Description
Profits or losses from the disposal of
non-current asset(including the write-off -97,998.41
that accrued for impairment of assets)
Governmental subsidy included in
current profit and loss (excluding the
governmental subsidies closely related to
the Company's normal operating
business that conform to national policies 209,311.48
and are enjoyed continuously in
accordance with certain standard rating
or quota)
Profits/losses from assets entrusted to 569,481.11
others for investment or management
Trustee fee from entrusted operations 31,026.40
Other non-operating income and expense
except for the above items -254,360.62
Other profit and loss items that qualify
the definition of non-recurring profit and 64,982.59
Less:Affectedincome tax 85,319.63
Affectedminority equity (after-tax) 218,249.90
Total 218,873.02 --
Details of other profit and loss items that qualify the definition of non-recurring profit and loss
Applicable □ Not applicable
For investment income calculated through the equity method, the Company discloses the non-recurring profit and loss of Huakong
SEG Co., Ltd. enjoyed based on shareholding as its non-recurring profit and loss.
Descriptions where the Company defines any non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the No. 1 Explanatory Announcementon
Information Disclosure ofCompaniesOffering Securities to the Public—
