
股票入门基础知识网 > 股票大全 > 五粮液股票 > 五粮液:2023年度ESG报告 (sz000858) 返回上一页
五 粮 液(000858)  现价: 126.20  涨幅: 0.33%  涨跌: 0.42元
成交:143910万元 今开: 126.00元 最低: 125.10元 振幅: 1.81% 跌停价: 113.20元
市净率:3.90 总市值: 4898.59亿 成交量: 114215手 昨收: 125.78元 最高: 127.38元
换手率: 0.29% 涨停价: 138.36元 市盈率: 15.45 流通市值: 4898.49亿  


公告时间:2024-05-31 19:16:55

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report Towards Harmonious Beauty
ESG Governance Communication with stakeholders
Based on its status, Wuliangye identifies categories of stakeholders, values their concerns, builds a regular communication mechanism with them,
and continuously improves its management level.
In the context of increasing global sustainable development risks and the accelerating pace of policy transitions in various countries, Wuliangye
has incorporated sustainable development into the whole process of production and operation. With ESG building as the starting point, the
Company has comprehensively enhanced its sustainable development capabilities by focusing on the three major themes of environmental
protection, social responsibilities, and corporate governance. Paying close attention to various stakeholders, Wuliangye has established and Stakeholders Issues of concern Communication form
maintained a regular two-way communication mechanism, clarified stakeholders' needs, and continuously optimised the impact on various
stakeholders. At the same time, in order to enhance ESG level in a more targeted manner, the Company took topics as a starting point, upheld the Tax payment according
principles of "Financial Materiality" and "Impact Materiality" to identify ESG material topics, and continuously improves ESG building methods to laws;
and paths on the basis of these topics to ensure the Company's sustainable development. Compliant operation;
Anti-corruption; Stock exchanges meeting;
Governments and Promotion of economic Government meeting;
ESG concept regulators development;
Government visit
Increasing employment;
Climate action;
Create outstanding experiences for customers Rural revitalisation
Wuliangye meets diverse needs and provides the ultimate experiences for consumers through product innovation, ensures consumer health through
quality control, protects consumer rights through integrity management, advocates for responsible drinking, and builds a harmonious society. Return of investments; General meetings of shareholders;
Information disclosure; Results briefings;
Protection of minority Investor on-site research, securities company investment
Shareholders and investors shareholders' rights and conference;
