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Metals in the Americas:The Weekly Extract

编辑 : 王远   发布时间: 2017.11.30 12:15:08   消息来源: sina 阅读数: 75 收藏数: + 收藏 +赞()

Industrial Metals equities decreased 2% WoW, following commodityprices lower. Steel & Service...

Industrial Metals equities decreased 2% WoW, following commodityprices lower. Steel & Service Centers equities declined 1%, despite 1%increase of US Hot-Rolled Coil price. Precious Metals equities segmentwas up 1% in-line with underlying gold and silver prices. Aluminum &Specialty Metals equities rose 1%, likely on the beginning of winter shutsin China.    Within Industrial Metals equities, FQM fell 8% WoW magnifying the 1%decline in copper. Amongst Steel & Service Centers equities, AK Steelincreased 7% after a $30/st price hike announcement. Within PreciousMetals equities, Pan American Silver and Wheaton Precious each rose 4%outpacing the 1% increase of silver. Within Aluminum & SM, CenturyAluminum rose 6% after spot alumina costs decreased 5%.

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