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Phillip ETF Model Portfolio:As at end of July 2017

编辑 : 王远   发布时间: 2017.08.07 00:22:06   消息来源: sina 阅读数: 253 收藏数: + 收藏 +赞()

All equity markets returned positively for the month of July with Chinaequities (H-shares) le...

All equity markets returned positively for the month of July with Chinaequities (H-shares) leading the way.    In the midst of all the uncertainty within the Trump administration, U.S.    equity markets continue to touch new highs in the month of July. Thevolatility of the U.S. equity market continues to remain suppressed with VIXclosing below 10 on several occasion.    European Central Bank was initially hawkish on their monetary policiesbefore reversing their stance within days. However, the indecisiveness of thecentral bank did not dampen the recovery of the European equity markets.    China, together with Asian markets, rallied as the One-Belt-One-Roadinitiative starts to unroll.

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